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March 16, 2022

Chatbot Versus Live Chat

A chatbot is automated assistance that communicates with a website user on a website. It's similar to a Live chat, except a programmed assistant steers the conversation.
Live chat is a chat discussion between a website user and a live assistant on a website. Live chat assists people by answering their questions and guiding them to important parts of a website.


1. Live chat is a great way to reach your website users directly.
Direct communication with your website users is a fantastic option to influence them to take action on your site.
2. Live chats encourage trust
People can ask vital questions regarding the business and services of a website. This helps them feel more comfortable when purchasing items on your site.
3. Live Chats make your business appear more professional
Live Chat assistants provide worth to your website. Live Chats are not common on most websites as only a few employ them at the moment.
4. Live Chats Leads to Higher Conversions than traditional sites
Live Chat assistants provide worth to your website. Live Chats are not common on most websites as only a few employ them at the moment.


1. Fully Automated
The primary benefit of a chatbot is that it is automated. Once you have set it up, it runs automatically, without any needed interference.
2. Affordable and Incredibly powerful
Chatbots are extremely affordable. They can cost as low as R800 per month, and increase your conversions by 800%.
3. Runs 24 hours per day- everyday
Chatbots are employees who work around the clock without taking a break. Chatbots do not get ill or take maternity leave. They are available throughout the day and night.
4. A chatbot is Always Improving
Logs of the conversation are recorded and analyzed to continuously improve the interaction between the website user and the bot.
5. Chatbots are multi-taskers
Chatbots can communicate with thousands of users at the same time. Chatbots do not have an online queue which ends up frustrating users that wait online.
6. Bots provide valuable information
Bots help you understand the needs of your website visitors. The recorded conversations can give great insights into where and what your customers are seeking.


1. It is expensive
To have a live chatbot available 24 hours per day, you may need to hire 3 full-time employees. This will be costly, as you may have to pay 3 salaries.
2. Things can get complicated
Like with every business, employees can be problematic. They can show up late for work, quit immediately, or take days off by using poor excuses.
3. Live Chat Training is required
The employees who handle your live chats need to be qualified and experienced. You may need to pay them for their training, or courses. You can’t just hire anyone.
4. Live Chats experience Downtime
Live Chat assistants are not as quick as chatbots and have been known to be faulty at times. Chatbots have automated responses, and do not delay with responses.
5. Live Chats can be Overwhelming
The queue on live chats can increase quickly. Live Chat assistants can only take on a few users at a given time, which may leave other users frustrated while they wait.


1. Chatbots cannot answer direct questions
They can connect to a live chat assistant, or forward a question to one of the managers, but it cannot communicate directly like a Live Assistant like a real person.
2. Some people confuse chatbots with a live assistant
Many people want to communicate with a Live Assistant and confuse the chatbot as a real person. Chatbots must always inform the website users that they are programs, and not deceive them into thinking that is real humans.
3. Not all Bots are created equally
Chatbots creators must have the right training and experience. Great bots will improve your conversions, and Bad bots will frustrate your website users.
Chatbots are a great and affordable means to increase your conversion rate. Chatbots can be hosted on your Website, Facebook Page, and WhatsApp number. The correct implementation of chatbots will improve your web users' experience and promote sales and customers. They are a great solution for small and medium-sized businesses that cannot afford to include a Live Assistant on their site.
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